In Your house – 2000
No Way Out – February 27, 2000
Live from Hartford, Conn
Your hosts are… Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
- Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho (w/Chyna).
- The New Age Outlaws vs. The Dudley Boyz.
- Viscera vs. Mark Henry.
- The Hardy Boyz (w/Terri Runnels) vs. Edge & Christian.
- Tazz vs. The Big Bossman (w/Prince Albert).
- Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. X-Pac (w/Tori).
- Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn (w/Eddy Guerrero)
vs. Rikishi Phatu & Too Cool. - The Rock vs. The Big Show.
- Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs. Cactus Jack.
2hr 38mins
Dvd Only – No Artwork