Kate Bush – Spirit
Great Compilation Of Kate’s Performances
Live At The Hammersmith Odeon
Live Concert Performance By The British Singer Kate Bush.
It Is A Recording Of Her First And Only Concert Tour From 1979.
1. Moving / 2. Them Heavy People / 3. Violin / 4. Strange Phenomena
5. Hammer Horror / 6. Don’t Push Your Foot On The Heartbrake
7. Wow / 8. Feel It / 9. Kite / 10. James And The Cold Gun
11. Oh England My Lionheart / 12. Wuthering Heights
The Interviews
Desmond Morris Interviews Kate Razzamatazz 1982 – Interview Australian Countdown
Interview 1980 Pebble Mill – Interview 1982 Jj Jackson Interview For Mtv 1995
Kate Collects Her Award For Best Songwriter
Top Of The Pops Performances
Wuthering Heights 1978 – And So Is Love 1995